The 3 steps to success!...


Have you ever wondered how you're going to achieve the things you want to in life?

Maybe you've read the books, you've done the courses and you've maybe even hired a coach or someone to help you on your journey and yet you still feel blocked or like there is more working against you than in your favour.

In today's blog I share the 3 steps to success, which are all about Acquisition, Performance and Evolution...in other words, APE!

I've worked hard on this model which has been based on research but more importantly my experience as psychologist working with people all looking to live fulfilled lives.

It's not always easy.  There are no guarantees and this kind of stuff isn't a magic formula - as much as other trainers, coaches and self-help peeps would like you to believe!-.

What I can honestly say though, from my own experience having actually taken people through the APE process, is that by putting in the work which looks like working on yourself, your mind-set and changing your behaviours, WILL get you big results.

 Sometimes the people I work with even surprise themselves!

So, today we dig into the APE model, and look at each part of the model which acts like a road-map to get you to where you want to be...let's get stuck in!

I hope you found today's post useful.

To get hold of your free downloadable which clearly highlights all the questions that will start you on your journey, then just CLICK HERE to be taken through to the sign-up form!

This free resource highlights the 8 key questions, that if you answer them honestly, openly and in as much detail as possible, you'll really start to get to grips with the things that are blocking you and holding you back, as well as the things you already have at your disposal that will enable you to start moving forward and getting to where you want to be!


In the meantime do get in touch with any questions you might have by emailing me at serena@apemodelpsychology.com

Of course I'd also love hear from you if you discover anything new about yourself after doing this exercise.  What do you notice about what blocks or stops you and what can you see that will help you move forward?  Please comment below..

 Also, to keep the APE dialogue going and to meet other like-minded apes then come over and join us on Facebook by Clicking HERE. Every Monday at 7.30pm (BST) evening I do a Facebook Live in which I cover a part of the APE Model and answer your questions too!

Till next week..

Interview with Tao Porchon-Lynch..


The strap line here at APE Model is 'all it takes is for one ape to think differently'.

As well as challenging us to evolve, think and behave differently via the model itself, we also spend a lot of time looking others who are out there actually doing it.  Living it!

These are the the people who have broken the mould via how they live, or what they have accomplished.

These are the people that challenge our thinking and make us ponder and reflect on what we could do differently to live our own best lives.

These are often the people where others around them struggle to understand who they are...what they are doing seems crazy, bonkers, a waste of time, silly, too dangerous maybe?

This week we place the spotlight on one of THE most inspirational people you could ever hope to meet.  Tao Porchon-Lynch.

For those of you that don't know her, Tao is a Yoga Master, and at 99 years of age makes her the oldest yoga teacher in the world today.

Born in Punducherry, India in 1918, she discovered yoga when she was a child, having seen some boys 'playing a game' that she was intrigued by.  Told that this thing was actually yoga, but only something boys were allowed to, do saw the early rising of her defiant spirit as she became determined to master it herself..which she did.

Her path to becoming a yoga master however wasn't straight forward, as she was first drawn to modelling and then the stage, spending her early working life as an actress for the likes of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer working alongside the likes of Kathryn Grayson and Elizabeth Taylor to name a few.

Tao has marched with Mahatma Ghandi, teaches yoga all over the world, learnt to ballroom dance at the age of 84, appearing on America's Got Talent, the list goes on.

In this interview Tao opens up about her path to yoga but also shares so much more.

Here she gives us a special insight into her positive state of mind, and what this does for her mind, body and spirit.  She also tells us about her other passions including animals and taking care of the planet.  So without further ado, please click on the link to get a huge dose of inspiration from a living legend...

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Tao.  I'd love to know what you've been able to take form this interview and also if it hearing her words have inspired you to do anything differently yourself.

I can honestly say that she's inspired me to start my day with a positive thought.  What a huge impact this can have on what happens to you and how your life actually looks.

Also, if you’d like to be the first to find out about all things APE, then of course click HERE to be taken to the link here to sign up for email updates which include a link to the new video in your inbox every week, as well as being the first to find out about new events, courses and programmes!

Also, to keep the APE dialogue going and to meet other like-minded apes then come over and join us on Facebook by Clicking HERE. Every Monday at 7.30pm (BST) evening I do a Facebook Live in which I cover a part of the APE Model and answer your questions too!

I look forward to seeing you over there!

ps - Here are 'the' shoes!  Heels 2 inches high...wonderful!

The Psychology and benefits of Play...


Happy Halloween...and just in time, as today we take a look at the Psychology of Play!

Do you consider yourself to be playful?  Do you like to play..and if so what does that look like for you?

Maybe it's as simple as playing a board game or another game or sport which has rules and outcomes, or maybe you like to be more playful versus playing actual games?  Again, what does this look like for you and whether you do or you don't like to be playful, have you ever asked yourself why?  What do I get from playing and is there actually any benefit to this tom-foolery?

Well, play is not just a fundamental  part of how we do things here at APE Model - as you may have noticed - but it's a part of the A.P.E Model itself.  In fact we devote an entire module to in the Evolve section of the model (see below).  But why you might ask?  Why is play so important?

In today's video I delve into 4 of the benefits of play, there are more of course but these 4 should be enough to make you ponder and consider for yourself if you'd like to be more playful in your own life and if you do what it can do for you in your own evolution?

So, let's get stuck in...

A.P.E Car Disc-e-oke: This week..Psychologists!


I'm so excited to bring you this week's blog, which is APE Model's first Car Disc-e-oke!

YAAAYYYY!  Can you tell I'm excited?

This will be the first of many interviews and Disc-e-okes that you'll see, which are all about hearing from apes who are out there 'thinking differently', as the strap-line goes, as well as illustrating parts of the model itself.

These interviews will undoubtedly allow you to learn new things that I hope will inspire you and encourage you to take on new things yourself...or of course, just make you giggle...which is oh so good for the soul.

How apt that we begin the series this week with Psychologists, as this is my own profession as the founder of APE Model, and I just happen to know that there is so much to learn here, especially from these two amazing people.

So who are they?

They are the super-duper Professor Alex Sumich, and the incandescent Dr Claire Bloxham.  In the interview Alex and Claire tell us all about why they both entered the Psychology profession (spoiler - for one of them it had something to do with Ghostbusters!)..they then go on to tell us about the roles they have held, which include working in academia and also psychotherapy.

We also end up having a fascinating conversation all about depression and anxiety and discuss the most up to date research in the area and all this amongst laughing, and an attempt to sing a few songs in-between.

Without further ado...

**stay tuned for the outtakes!**

Why breaking your routine is vital for your brain function...


Do you have a daily routine?

What is it?  Do you try and get up at the same time every day?  Do you eat the same breakfast and maybe walk to work in the same direction taking the same streets eventually stopping off to get the same coffee order from the same coffee shop on the way?

Likewise, when is the last time you broke that routine?  And when you broke that routine how did it feel?  Scary?  A bit exciting, maybe just a bit fresher than the norm?

Well, it just so happens that breaking your normal routine is a great mood booster.  Not only can breaking the daily-grind positively impact your general feeling of happiness and wellbeing, but the impact it has on brain function, especially as we age, is  huge.

In today's blog I take a look at what breaking your routine can do for you and how just by making these small tweaks you can really add a big fat dose of goodness to your life...

Of course I’d also love to hear from you.  Have you ever made small tweaks to your day but noticed a big impact?  Maybe you've taken up a new hobby or done something daredevil and exciting that made you feel alive, motivated or excited about the future?  If so we'd love to hear about it.

 Let us know down below in the comments or of course if you have any questions please just send them along to info@apeathy.com

Also, if you’d like to be the first to find out about all things APE, then of course click HERE to be taken to the link here to sign up for email updates which include a link to the new video in your inbox every week, as well as being the first to find out about new events, courses and programmes!

 Also, to keep the APE dialogue going and to meet other like-minded apes then come over and join us on Facebook by Clicking HERE.  Cant wait to see you!