
Why you need to follow your INTUITION and what it can do for you...


Have you ever overridden what appears to be logic, and instead 'gone with your gut?'.

How did that turn out for you?  Better or worse than you'd expected?  Glad you made the decision?  Relieved...it turned out better after all.

I've yet to meet anyone who hasn't been glad that they went with their gut over their head (not to say that it can't happen of course).  But what does it mean to 'go with your gut' or your intuition?  And why am I proposing that this skill is vital to our evolution both as individuals but also, arguably as a species?

Well, in this week's Halloween Special, I dive into what it means to be intuitive and how using our intuition is becoming a lost art.

We take a look at the benefits using your intuition and how it can help you on your journey to fully embrace who you are, bit also as a way to help you make those changes you've wanted to make and get to where you want to be.

What are your thoughts?  Personally, I consider myself very intuitive but even I resort short-cuts and am definitely guilty of getting out my phone faster than I should on occasion. I'm consciously trying to do this less now and I'm noticing a real shift.  More mindfulness, more calm and more contentment with the decisions I'm making.

Do you use your intuition or do you feel that you could maybe use it more often?

Til then have a great week!

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What to do when you're too scared to change your career?...


I've had a question!.. I often get questions sent to me, usually privately via social media or e-mail, and I do try my best to answer everyone's queries.  A lot of the questions are the same, and it's because of this that I thought that I would take the time out to answer here some of the specific questions I get, in the hope that more of you will find the answers useful for you on your own journey.

So, let me introduce this new monthly segment 'Answers with APE'...I don't know  I'm just making this title up, but it may stick.  Ha ha.

The first question I'm going to answer was from a lovely lady via Instagram and it went like this...

"How do I change career? I'm too scared that a change won't work out".

This is a question I hear a lot, though it comes in various guises, from "I don't feel confident enough to leave my current job", to "I don't think I'll ever leave as I feel stuck because of ......"  You fill in the blank.  What is it? Money, time, family, commitments.  The list goes on.

So, today I'm giving you a practical, APE style, answer to this question.  Obviously it's designed to be short, practical and useful to kick start your process.  Enough to allow you  to start to think differently about your current situation and what you can do about it.

So without further ado, let's get stuck into what I've said about this one...

If you're in this position I hope you've found today useful.

I'd of course love to hear form you and if you have a question for me you can send yours to me at serena@apemodelpsychology.com

I'll be taking one question a month to answer from emails, social media, comments or even my current clients.

I'll be back next month with another answer to your question and back with a usual nugget of APE wisdom next week.

Til then have a great week!

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